Want to put your items on hold and pay over time? Use our classic style Order Layaway plan. Select your items and contact us with the details using the form below. We will create your payment plan and hold your items for you!


($15 non-refundable layaway fee required. Inventory is verified in stock throughout the duration of the layaway plan. Orders will be shipped in full at the time of completed full payment. Customers will be notified of any changes in stock that occur during the active layaway period. The sooner full payment is made the sooner your order ships! More details given in plan agreement.)



Please complete the following info form:

    Thank you and we look forward to processing your K & S Unlimited order as soon as possible. You will receive your payment plan agreement link via email within 24hrs from the submission of this form. Once that is complete, your plan is active and your order will be waiting for you!